ASPETE Multiplier event

Short Report


The multiplier event took place on the 20th of June 2018 in the Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras ( It was scheduled to be a Daily Training Conference for the participants. Three different rooms were used for workshops and the larger one was also used for plenary sessions and for lectures of invited speakers. The primary purpose of the daily conference was to share the intellectual outputs and disseminate them among interested stakeholders.

The invited participants represented various working fields concerned by the themes and occupations of the GreenSkills4VET project: Secondary education teachers (mostly teachers of Vocational Education), VET Trainers, Health care professionals from Health Institutions of the region A complete list of participants (Attendance List) accompanies this report. The event comprised three different sessions separated by coffee and lunch breaks.



The first and the third sessions were workshops. Participants worked in groups of five or six accompanied by a member of the ASPETE GreenSkills4VET team who had the role of facilitator. During the first session the teams have dealt with basic concepts of Sustainable development (SD) and Education for SD and they have also studied specific examples in which they were invited to locate the sustainability dimensions of the cases proposed. The teams have subsequently presented their work in plenary session. During the third session the focus was the OER produced by ASPETE. The participants studied it in small groups following the OER on a laptop and exchanging ideas. They presented their comments and evaluation later on in the plenary session.



The second session comprised three presentations from academic teachers regarding the themes involved in the daily conference. The first was made by Pr.Dr. Georgios Stefanidis (University of Patras, civil engineering department) and three of his Ph.D. students on the theme “Patras clever city : Sustainable development in Supply chain and Logistics”. The second presentation was made by teleconference by Pr.Dr. Konstantinos Korfiatis (University of Cyprus) on the theme “Sustainable Development and Vocational Education”. The third was made by Pr.Dr. Christos Panagiotakopoulos (University of Patras, primary education department) on the theme “Internet and Intellectual Copyrights”. The presentations were followed by questions and interventions of the participants.

The multiplier event was completed by retrospection on the daily conference and a discussion on the perspectives.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.