Section 1: The GreenSkills4VET Learning Units

Medication administration in nursing and healthcare

Unit produced by: School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)
Drug delivery is one of the most basic, responsible and complex nursing activities. Knowledge regarding proper administration of the drug, as well as safe and effective release and care to promote recycling are key axes and responsibility for health professionals. This unit will help you develop these skills. The resource type of this unit is WebQuest.
Link to the WebQuest

Learning Unit description


Title of the unit: Medicament administration
Sector: Health Care
Job-Title: Nursing assistant
EQF-Level: EQR-Level 5
Resource type of the unit: WebQuest
Media format: Text, Video, Images, Quizzes, WebQuest
Description: The module “medication” is taught in the Health sector in the IEK level. The aim of this module is the development of knowledge of trainees on the concept of medicament as well as their awareness regarding SD issues in this area. Expected skills are the correct administration and the overall sound management of medicaments both by the professional and, later on, by their patients. Rational consumption, utilization of remaining quantity of drugs and finally recycling of drugs are some ESD relevant objectives.
Keywords Medicaments, storage, reuse, recycling, sustainable development
Justification with regard to the GreenSkills4VET Reference Framework (in terms of ESD): This learning unit was considered appropriate for the development of objectives regarding ESD, following the EQF model. The excessive use of medicaments, non-correct storage, non-environmentally friendly release which may entail groundwater contamination are some important SD themes. The objectives are compatible with EQF level 5 (for instance the competence: review and develop performance of self and others). They also correspond to VET further specifications of ESD Core Competences. The thematic areas concerned are Health, Education, Global environmental change, Poverty and social security. Finally the themes involved make part of SD definitions and the objectives correspond to ESD definitions of the GreenSkills4VET project (Rational use of resources, focusing on citizen participation, making people more active, cultural change, social responsibility).


Learning Objectives with regard to the European Qualifications Framework

The trainee acquires broad, specialized, objective and theoretical knowledge in this field of work or study and is aware of the limits of this knowledge. She/he is able to:

  • Indicate ways to properly administer drugs, how to use the remaining quantities of drugs and how to facilitate the recycling perspective under appropriate conditions.
  • Describe good ways of administering drugs (use, administration, storage, release)
  • Identify health and environmental hazards due to poor drug management.

A wide range of cognitive and practical skills are required to find creative solutions to concrete and abstract problems. The trainee is expected to:

  • Apply the different ways of administering drugs correctly.
  • Inform and educate patients to take medicaments in the right way.
  • Advocate in the workplace the need to recycle medicaments and make a sustainable use.
  • Inform patients about the rational use and administration of medicaments.
  • Demonstrate good practices regarding use, delivery, storage and release of medicaments.


  • Obtain management and supervision capabilities within this specific work or learning process where unexpected changes may occur. The trainees are also expected to have the ability to review and develop their personal performance as well as that of other people.
  • Work responsibly and with respect for the resources of the medicaments, the human factor and the environment.

Section 2: Methodological and didactic supplementary Materials

Additional individual methodological and didactic supplementary materials have been created for each learning unit, for example a short description in tabular form of each learning unit, explanations on pedagogical preconditions and learning objectives as well as learning outcomes regarding the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). If interested, you can download even more detailed information on the background to the learning unit, in particular the occupational scenario, as well as practical experience in the creation and testing of the unit by the project partner.
Methodological and didactic supplementary material 1
Methodological and didactic supplementary material 2
Methodological and didactic supplementary material 3

Section 3: The GreenSkills4VET OER Manual

The main aim of this manual is to empower teachers and trainers as well as students to new teaching and learning methods. It also informs about the new copyright applications in Open Educational Resources (OER).
Download OER manual

Section 4: Recommendations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

How to assess the competences aimed at with this learning unit? The practical information for teachers and trainers shows our recommendations for evaluating the learning outcomes of the GreenSkills4VET LearnBox and refers to ECVET (The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) and EQF (European Qualifications Framework).
Download recommendations

Section 5: Limits of Translating OER

OER (Open Educational Resources) provide the possibility to freely share and reproduce learning materials tailored to your specific requirements without limiting you in terms of risking copyright-violations. When you aim at translating OER into other countries’ languages, there are other limits to be considered, nonetheless.
Download recommendations
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.